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Minimally Invasive Surgery

As the name indicates, it is a type of foot surgery that is carried out by making small incisions in the skin of the foot. The incisions are as small as possible and the goal is to get required results without causing much invasion. This approach leaves minimum scarring and has less healing time.

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

Bunion surgery involves removing a deformity near the big toe. It can be carried out using a minimally invasive approach that involves making small incisions. This technique does not cause big scars and helps with fast healing. The results are also good.

Bunion Deformity

Bunion is a foot deformity that involves the joint between the big toe and the foot. A bunion is formed when the big toe bends towards other toes causing the formation of a bony bump at the base of the big toe. It is red and painful.

Foot & Ankle Conditions

Several medical conditions can involve the foot and ankle. They include Athlete's foot, bunions, diabetic neuropathy, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, blisters, corns, heel spur, ankle sprains, peroneal tendon tears, ankle impingement, acute ankle fractures and stress fractures, chronic ankle instability, peroneus tendon tear, subtalar instability, osteochondral injury of the talus and arthritis. A podiatrist specializes in treating foot and ankle conditions.

Foot & Ankle Conditions

Several medical conditions can involve the foot and ankle. They include Athlete's foot, bunions, diabetic neuropathy, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, blisters, corns, heel spur, ankle sprains, peroneal tendon tears, ankle impingement, acute ankle fractures and stress fractures, chronic ankle instability, peroneus tendon tear, subtalar instability, osteochondral injury of the talus and arthritis. A podiatrist specializes in treating foot and ankle conditions.

Causes of Foot & Ankle Pain

There can be several causes of foot and ankle pain. Some important and common ones are listed below.

  • Trauma
  • Bunion
  • Arthritis
  • Sprain
  • Gout
  • Neuropathy
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Bony spur
  • Tendonitis
  • Fractures
  • Tendon tears


Gout is a joint condition that occurs when blood uric acid level becomes higher than normal. In such a situation, uric acid starts getting deposited in joints, especially in the joints of the big toe. It causes pain, redness, and swelling. The condition requires immediate medical attention because the pain can be excruciating at times. Your podiatrist prescribes you painkillers and uric acid lowering medications.

Soft Tissue Mass

Soft tissue masses can appear anywhere in the body including the feet. These masses are benign mostly but need to be reviewed by your podiatrist because they can be cancerous too. Your podiatrist will examine the mass and perform some investigations, such as ultrasound, X-ray, or biopsy. Treatment is carried out according to the nature of mass. The most common type of soft tissue mass in the feet is a ganglion cyst. There can be other masses originating from the muscles or nerves.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenail is when a nail grows into the skin next to it. It causes pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes bleeding. This problem most commonly involves your big toe and it can also become infected leading to pus discharge and bad pain. Although ingrown toenails can also be treated at home, seeing your podiatrist is important to figure out the reason behind this problem and avoid complications. There are several causes of it and only a thorough history can help to figure out the cause.


Corns are nothing but thickened and hardened areas of the skin of your feet. They occur on non-weight-bearing points of feet due to constant friction and are small and round. They are painful and the pain can worsen over time. Small, uninfected corns can be treated at home but big, infected, recurrent, and very painful corns need to be seen by a podiatrist.


Calluses are similar to corns – the major difference is they mostly involve your foot soles and occur because of prolonged pressure on a specific point that can be due to ill-fitting shoes or a posture. They are bigger and more variable in shape. They can also be treated at home but bigger ones need to be seen by a podiatrist. A podiatrist shaves the thickened skin to relieve pressure and pain. This cannot be done at home due to the high risk of infection.

Fungal Skin & Nail Infections

Fungal Skin & Nail Infections

Diabetic Foot Infections

Diabetic individuals are more prone to foot infections due to low immunity. It is also often accompanied by nerve damage called diabetic neuropathy that further increases the risk of injury and subsequent infection. Commonly experienced foot infections in uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes include cellulitis, gangrene, fungal infection of the nails, ulcers, myositis, necrotizing fasciitis, septic arthritis, tendinitis, and osteomyelitis. A podiatrist is well-trained in managing such infections.

Foot & Ankle Wounds

Different types of wounds can be experienced in the foot and ankle area and these wounds can have different underlying reasons. There can be arterial ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, traumatic wounds, surgical wounds, foreign body wounds, puncture wounds, insect bite wounds, animal bite wounds, and infections. The causes of these wounds include diabetes, poor blood circulation, genetic factors, infections, nerve damage, circulation disorder, bone deformities and muscle deformities. A podiatrist can treat foot and ankle wounds.

Diabetic Wound Healing

Diabetic wounds take longer to heal as compared to normal wounds. They need proper care and management and can turn in to big non-healing wounds if not treated properly. These wounds can also cause gangrene that can lead to foot amputation. To avoid all these complications, diabetic wounds need special attention and should be looked at by an expert podiatrist. A podiatrist specializes in managing foot conditions and can effectively treat a diabetic wound.

Foot & Ankle Trauma

Foot and ankle trauma is not uncommon because these parts are exposed to tough environmental conditions. Common causes of trauma include strains and stretches in muscles. Tendon can be twisted or pulled during sudden movements. Ligaments can also be affected by tears and stretches. Bony injuries can occur as a result of impact or force application. There is no doubt that our daily activities are greatly affected in the case of an ankle or foot injury. Therefore, immediate medical advice should be sought to ensure a quick recovery. A podiatrist provides you expert advice and treatment to fasten the healing process.


Hammertoe is a foot deformity characterized by the bending of one or both joints of second, third, fourth, or fifth toes. Due to bending, wearing shoes becomes uncomfortable and can lead to further complications. This condition worsens over time. Hammertoes are caused by Imbalance in muscles and ligaments around the joints in toes. The problem can be treated by a podiatrist.

Lower Extremity Lymphedema

Lymphedema is swelling that occurs on body parts like arms and legs as a result of fluid accumulation. When lymphedema involves legs and feet, it is called lower extremity lymphedema. There can be various reasons for this fluid accumulation, such as lymph node damage, lymph vessels infection or parasite infestation. The treatment involves treating underlying causes and complications. If you are facing some feet swelling, then you should see a podiatrist for assessment.

Peripheral Vascular Disease / ABI PVR Studies

Ankle-brachial index (ABI) pulse volume recording (PVR) studies are carried out to diagnose peripheral vascular disease. The technique involves comparing blood pressure in the arms and legs. A major blood pressure difference (higher blood pressure in arms) implies that the subject has peripheral vascular disease in legs.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a medical condition that is characterized by damage to nerves leading to improper functioning. The damage can be caused due to various reasons, such as high blood glucose levels, vitamin B1 deficiency, etc. The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness. The goal of treatment is to slow down disease progression and treat symptoms. Your podiatrist may prescribe oral medications to manage symptoms.


A neuroma is a non-cancerous tumor or growth involving a nerve. Due to the mass, the nerve can get compressed leading to pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, and burning sensation. Neuroma commonly occurs between third and fourth toes and can be managed by a podiatrist.

Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion cyst is a benign condition that can involve the top or bottom of the foot. Basically, it is a fluid-filled sac that takes origin from the tendon sheath or joint coverings. They cause pain and discomfort when walking. Podiatrists can manage this condition by employing non-surgical methods. Surgery may be required if medical treatment does not work.

Flat Feet

Flat feet is a deformity characterized by the absence of foot arches. Due to this, the sole of foot starts coming in contact with the ground completely or nearly completely. Flat feet only require treatment if they are causing any symptoms like pain. The pain can also involve the knee and hip joints due to postural problems. In case of pain, it is necessary to see a podiatrist. There are conservative and surgical treatment options. Podiatrists usually start with exercise and go up to surgery.

High Arched Feet

High arched feet, as the name suggests, are opposite of flat feel, i.e. the foot arch is exaggerated in this condition. Patients can experience pain and instability due to a high arch. Your podiatrist recommends physical therapy to reduce the impact of this issue. If physical therapy and general measures do not work then surgery is opted.

Haglund’s Deformity

Haglund’s deformity is a bony projection on the back of the heel that irritates and inflames the soft tissue. It also rubs against shoes and causes pain, swelling, redness, and discomfort. Your podiatrist starts with conservative treatment options, such as painkillers and general measures related to your shoe choices. If they do not work then surgical removal needs to be carried out.


Osteoarthritis is inflammation of the foot joints. It leads to pain and stiffness. Over time, the range of motion decreases, and the patient starts developing bony spurs that make it more painful and uncomfortable. Consulting your podiatrist is important because it is a progressive condition. Treatment start with painkillers, physical therapy, appropriate footwear, and other general measures. Surgical options are considered once other treatments fail.

Causes of Discolored Toenails

There are several causes of discolored toenails. The common ones include fungal infection, trauma, nail aging, staining, ingrown nail for a long time, melanoma, and some medical conditions. See your podiatrist to figure out what is causing discoloration. Some conditions, such as melanoma, are serious and need immediate medical review.

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is inflammation of Achilles tendon, the tendon that connects calf muscles to the heel. This inflammation occurs due to the overuse of the tendon and symptoms involve pain, tenderness, and stiffness. The symptoms get worse after a physical activity and improve after rest. Treatment options include painkillers, physical therapy, and surgery if the other options do not work.

Pre Operative Instructions

Foot, Ankle and Leg Surgery

Before Surgery Reminders:

  • Take a shower or bath the evening before or the morning of your surgery. DO NOT apply lotion, powders or cologne after bathing. Face moisturizer and deodorants are permitted.
  • YOU MAY eat and drink up to 2 hours before your surgery.
  • Bring your medications with you to the facility and it will be determined at the facility whether you can proceed with your normal morning medication routine.
  • Contact your surgeon if there is any change in your health status, medication usage or any other medical or psychological (i.e. stress or depression) conditions that have not been disclosed during your preoperative visits
  • Remember to bring any braces including cast shoes or boots with you to the surgical facility

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. Will I need a pre op clearance from my family physician?

  • Depending on your age and medical history, you may be required to obtain medical clearance and/or blood-work before your surgery can take place.
  • This can be accomplished by seeing your medical doctor or hospital pre operative center.
  • Your primary care doctor must fax (504-584-7373) all of your test results with a note of surgical clearance and recommendation to our office and surgery center at least 3 days before your scheduled surgery.

2. Will I need a pre op visit with the foot and ankle surgeon prior to surgery?

  • Unless other arrangements are made, you will be scheduled an appointment with your Surgeon prior to your surgery date, at which time, you will sign all necessary paperwork and address any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure.

3. Are there medications that I cannot take prior to surgery?

  • DO NOT take any medications containing aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications, such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin or Aleve, etc. for 1 week prior to surgery date. Resume only when the physician instructs you to take them. If you are taking “blood thinners” please discuss with the doctor how long prior to surgery these medications must be stopped. Also please let the doctor know if you are taking any Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (Isocarboxazid (Marplan), Phenelzine (Nardil), Selegiline (Emsam), Tranylcypromine (Parnate)). Please present your full medication list to Surgeon at pre operative visits and Primary Care Physician at medical clearance visit for complete medication instructions.

5. Will someone need to drive me home?

  • Yes, you will need to have an adult take you home after any procedure due to local anesthesia and post-op medications. This is for your safety. In case you need help at home, you will need someone to assist you.

6. When should I arrive for surgery?

  • Generally speaking, you should plan on arriving approximately 30 minutes before your scheduled surgery time.

7. What should I wear to the surgery center?

  • Wear loose clothing that will be easy to put on after your operation (do not wear jeans).
  • Do not wear makeup or jewelry.
  • You should bring your hearing aid so you will be able to hear questions.
  • Bring your glasses.

8. What do I need to bring with me the day of surgery?

  • Please bring bring the following:
  • Health Insurance card, Prescription medication card
  • One form of legal picture identification
  • Payment for any patient responsibility that is due to surgery center
  • Any pre operative assistive device that has been prescribed (cane, crutches, braces, splints, or immobilizers)

9. When can I return to work or school?/b>

  • For medical/surgical questions please call the office number at the location you have been seen in.
  • N.O EAST 504-475-3338 METAIRIE 504-888-3668

10. When can I return to work or school?

  • The recovery period varies from patient to patient and from procedure to procedure. Typically, limited activity is recommended during the first week following surgery.
  • Ultimately, the physician will determine your activity level based on your individual procedure.

11. What is the expected recovery time?

  • The initial 24-48 hours following surgery, you should expect to rest as much as possible.
  • Normal daily activity, with possible limitations secondary to weight bearing status, is expected within the first week of surgery.

12. Is the procedure covered by my insurance?

  • Our surgical coordinator will contact your insurance company to obtain your benefits, as well as, authorization and/or approval for your surgery. Once your benefits have been obtained, you will be contacted by our surgical coordinator. Most health insurance covers surgery that is not considered cosmetic, but the coverage may vary according to your health plan with varying out of pocket costs. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to know your individual coverage and its limitations, as well as who is a provider for your plan. We urge you to check with your insurance company regarding your benefits because failure to comply could result in you, the patient, being responsible for all costs incurred. Please remember that your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. If your insurance provider requires a deductible, co-pay or co-insurance for services, we are obligated to collect it. We do not have the option not waive or reduce any patient responsibility.
  • For all insurance related questions please call our office.

13. Are my post op visits included in my cost of surgery?

  • It is often incorrectly assumes that any visit immediately following a surgery is considered a “post operative visit” where there is not a patient charge; many procedures are not seen this way by insurers and are subject to your deductible, co-pay and/or co-insurance. The rules governing these charges are dictated by each individual insurer and in order to participate, we are bound to follow them or risk being dismissed as a covered provider. X-rays, bandaging, casting and braces are all subject to copays and deductibles.
  • There are even some invasive surgeries where deductibles, co-pays and/or co-insurance apply immediately after the surgery. Depending on the nature of a patient’s problem and its severity, a significant part of a successful surgery is the office based care that takes place afterwards to promote adequate healing. Subsequently, insurers reduce the surgical fee of this procedure so that the entire cost of the care associated with this surgery is reflected in the varying amount of work done. Deductible, co-pay and/or co-insurance will often apply to these procedures.


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